Friday, November 18, 2 pm - 5:30 pm
SAHS presents an engagement with Tom Wright and his magisterial work on the New Testament. Tom’s work rightly alerts us to the importance of big-picture work in biblical studies without compromising on rigorous exegesis. Our event will focus on the big-picture elements of his work, namely mission, worldview and the people of God, and how they relate to Jesus’ ministry and his proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God. All these elements are central to Wright’s work and the work of our two respondents.
Mike Goheen did his doctoral work on the missional ecclesiology of Lesslie Newbigin and continues to write on worldview as well as missional church. Scott Hahn’s doctoral work was on a biblical theology of covenant and he continues to publish on a wide variety of subjects. Mike and Scott will engage these major themes of Wright’s work constructively from their particular perspectives, Protestant evangelical and a Catholic, respectively. Tom will then have time to respond.
The importance of this dialogue should not be underestimated. Wright’s work is widely known and influential but these central elements in his work have still to be fully engaged. We invite all interested parties to join us for this event in San Francisco. We anticipate that numbers of participants will be limited and so we encourage you to register online as soon as possible in order to secure your place. The event is free although we welcome donations towards the costs.

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About SAHS
The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar (the Seminar), formed in 1998, aims to work with like-minded colleagues to renew biblical interpretation so that all the resources of the academic rigor of biblical studies is directed towards hearing God’s address in and through Scripture today. The Seminar is a growing community of biblical and other Christian scholars, pastors and publishers.
In its first phase (1998 – 2007) the Seminar organized an annual international seminar of interdisciplinary Christian scholars in different parts of the world; each seminar attended to a crucial issue in the renewal of biblical interpretation and each year the Seminar published a related volume. In this period the Seminar, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Craig Bartholomew, hosted nine consultations and produced eight major academic volumes addressing the full range of issues which relate to hearing God speak in Scripture, including language, politics, ethics, biblical theology, philosophy, history, etc. [for more information about the history and ethos of the Seminar click here]
In 2007 the final volume of the projected eight volume Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, namely The Bible and the University,was published. The second phase of the SAHS has now begun with Seminar's becoming a vital part of the Paideia Centre for Public Theology which is now the primary vehicle for its work in biblical studies.
SAHS Committee Members
As part the Centre, the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar committee is now chaired by Dr. Ryan O’Dowd. Committee members are: Rev. Dr. Craig Bartholomew, Rev. Dr. William Ollhausen, Dr. Mary Healy (CV); Dr. Heath Thomas; Rev. Dr. Aubrey Spears, and Mr. David Beldman (CV).
SAHS Annual Meeting
As part of its new phase the Seminar will meet around the Society of Biblical Literature’s (SBL) annual North American meeting. While our meeting is by invitation only for reasons of space, please contact us if you have an interest in this venue. Click here for an archive of our past meetings. Click here for Click for Air Duct Cleaning London Ontario Click for Coeur Physiotherapy
The Seminar has several new projects underway:
- Hearing the Old Testament: Craig Bartholomew and David Beldman are editing a carefully planned volume with this title for Eerdmans publishing. [see more]
- Ryan O’Dowd and Craig Bartholomew are working on An Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom Literature for IVP USA.
- Seminar members are involved in a variety of exciting developments. Mary Healy and Peter Williamson are editing a New Catholic Commentary Series.
- Craig Bartholomew, with Prof. Gordon McConville, is series editor for Eerdmans Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary Series. Several members of the Seminar are writing for this Series:
- Robin Parry: Lamentations
- Ryan O’Dowd: Ruth
- Craig Bartholomew: Jonah
- Aubrey Spears: Esther
- Al Wolters is now working full time for the Paideia Centre on his major commentary on Zechariah, whose completion we keenly anticipate.
Recent Publications
- Craig Bartholomew’s commentary on Ecclesiastes has now been published (Baker Academic).
- Ryan O’Dowd’s doctoral thesis has now been published: [see more]