Craig Bartholomew visits British Columbia

At the end of January, Paideia Principal, Craig Bartholomew spent some time in Britsh Columbia. He presented a Geneva lecture, "Reading the Bible for All of Life" at Trinity Western University.

H. Evan Runner was famous for saying “all of life is religion”. Abraham Kuyper famously said, “There is not a square inch of the entire creation of which Christ does not say ‘That is mine!’” Both these thinkers recognized that we are called to serve Christ in every dimension of life as he has made it. One would expect, therefore, God’s Word to address all of life. Alas, far too often we do not experience this creation-wide vision in our reading of Scripture, whether private or communal. In this lecture Prof. Craig Bartholomew explored how to go about reading the Bible so as to hear God’s address for all of life.

To listen to a recording of Craig's talk, follow this link and click on the link part way down the page.

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